The Power of Laravel Packages: 10 Must-Have Packages for Your Project

Meyoron Aghogho
4 min readFeb 15, 2023



Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks, known for its ease of use, robustness, and scalability. The Laravel ecosystem provides a vast selection of pre-built packages to developers, each offering unique features and functionalities that save time and effort.

This article will explore 10 essential Laravel packages to enhance your project.

Laravel Debugbar

Laravel Debugbar is a package that allows you to easily monitor the performance of your application by displaying detailed information in a toolbar. This package shows information about the number of queries executed, the time taken to execute them, and the time taken for each middleware. This package also provides a comprehensive view of the response, timeline, and log.

Link: Debugbar for Laravel (Integrates PHP Debug Bar)

Laravel Backup

Laravel Backup is a package that makes it easy to back up your database and files to different storage systems, including Amazon S3, Dropbox, and FTP. You can schedule automatic backups and store backups on different disk drives. The package also provides notifications on successful or failed backups, so you always know your data is protected.

Link: Introduction | laravel-backup | Spatie

Laravel Permissions

Laravel Permissions is a package that provides an easy way to manage user roles and permissions. You can easily define user roles and assign permissions to different actions in your application. Laravel Permissions also supports permission caching, so permission checks don’t affect performance.

Link: Introduction | laravel-permission | Spatie

Laravel Scout

Laravel Scout is a full-text search package that provides an intuitive interface for searching through your application’s data. It works with popular search engines like Algolia, Elasticsearch, and TNTSearch. With Scout, you can quickly search through your application’s data, filter and sort the results, and provide a fast and responsive search experience for your users.

Link: Introduction | laravel-permission | Spatie

Laravel Socialite

Laravel Socialite is a package that makes it easy to authenticate with popular OAuth providers like Facebook, Google, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Socialite makes it possible to log in with a social media account in just a few clicks, allowing users to access your application without the need to create a new account. Socialite is also easy to use, and it only requires a few lines of code to integrate into your application.

Link: Laravel Socialite — Laravel — The PHP Framework For Web Artisans

Laravel Excel

Laravel Excel is a package that provides an easy way to import and export Excel and CSV files to and from your application. You can quickly process large amounts of data and manipulate it in various ways, such as sorting, filtering, and transforming data. Laravel Excel also supports multiple file formats and provides an easy way to customize the data that you import or export.

Link: Laravel Excel

Laravel Mix

Laravel Mix is a package that provides a fluent interface for working with Webpack, which is a module bundler that allows you to package your assets, such as JavaScript and CSS files, into a single file. With Laravel Mix, you can easily compile your assets, optimize them for production, and create versioned files.

Link: Laravel Mix

Laravel Dusk

Laravel Dusk is a package that provides a simple and intuitive way to test your application’s user interface. With Dusk, you can write browser tests in a fluent and expressive syntax, and quickly identify any issues or bugs with your application’s UI. Dusk also supports JavaScript testing and provides a comprehensive view of your application’s performance.

Link: Laravel Dusk — Laravel — The PHP Framework For Web Artisans

Laravel Horizon

Laravel Horizon is a package that provides a powerful dashboard and tools for managing and monitoring your application’s queue system. With Horizon, you can easily monitor the status of your queues, manage jobs and workers, and view a comprehensive dashboard of your application’s performance.

Link: Laravel Horizon — Laravel — The PHP Framework For Web Artisans

Laravel Telescope

Laravel Telescope is a package that provides real-time insight into the requests that your application is processing, including the request payload, database queries, and log entries. With Telescope, you can quickly identify any issues or bottlenecks in your application, and get a better understanding of how your application is functioning in real-time, and it also supports notifications and alerts for various events, such as failed requests, long-running jobs, and other critical issues.

Link: Laravel Telescope — Laravel — The PHP Framework For Web Artisans

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Laravel is a powerful framework for developing web applications, and the Laravel ecosystem provides a wealth of packages that make it easy to add new functionalities and enhance your application’s performance. The 10 Laravel packages we’ve explored in this article are just the tip of the iceberg, and there are many other packages available for various use cases.

By leveraging these packages, you can save time and effort in building your application, and focus on developing core functionalities that add value to your business. Whether you’re looking to improve the performance of your application, add new features, or make your application more secure, there’s likely a package available in the Laravel ecosystem that can help you achieve your goals. So, be sure to explore the Laravel package ecosystem and discover new and exciting ways to enhance your Laravel projects.



Meyoron Aghogho

🚀 Software Engineer | 🎮 Gamer | 🏊 Swimmer | 🎶 Music Lover | 📝 Technical Writer